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dc.creator.IDFERREIRA, R. S. A.pt_BR
dc.contributor.advisor1SANTOS, Elzanir dos.-
dc.contributor.advisor1IDSANTOS, Elzanir dos.pt_BR
dc.contributor.referee1PEREIRA, Zildene Francisca.-
dc.contributor.referee2FEITOSA, Belijane Marques.-
dc.contributor.referee3SANTOS, Risomar Alves dos.-
dc.description.resumoA avaliação é um processo inerente à prática educativa e está imbricada no processo ensino-aprendizagem, sua realização traduz o sentido que a ela é atribuído na construção da aprendizagem. O presente estudo objetiva analisar, junto a seis alunos e uma professora do 5º ano das séries iniciais da rede pública de ensino de Cajazeiras, como tais sujeitos concebem e realizam a avaliação no processo ensino-aprendizagem. Pesquisou-se, igualmente, junto aos sujeitos da pesquisa quais os instrumentos utilizados para avaliação da aprendizagem e se a autoavaliação é inserida neste processo. Este estudo pautou-se nos princípios da pesquisa qualitativa, com aproximações ao estudo de caso. Para a coleta dos dados foi feita uma pesquisa de campo em uma escola pública estadual da cidade de Cajazeiras, sendo que a técnica utilizada foi a entrevista semiestruturada. A professora entrevistada é graduada em Pedagogia, possui pós-graduação em Psicopedagogia e leciona há doze anos. Os educandos possuem idades entre nove e onze anos e advém das classes populares da zona urbana e rural. Constata-se que o processo avaliativo não acontece em um vazio conceitual, ele realiza-se mediante ao contexto social no qual se processam as relações educacionais, norteado pelas concepções de homem, mundo e sociedade dos docentes, pelo currículo e pela cultura institucional da escola. Partindo desse pressuposto, a investigação possibilitou chegar a algumas conclusões. Dentre elas, verificou-se que a professora pesquisada evidenciou ter uma concepção e prática ampliada do significado da avaliação do ensino e aprendizagem, entendendo-a como um processo contínuo e formativo. Isto pode ser um indício de que outros docentes tenham a mesma visão, especialmente, aqueles que estão em processo de formação inicial e continuada e que tem acesso às novas teorizações sobre o tema. Outro aspecto que chama a atenção é o fato de que apesar dos educandos vivenciarem algumas práticas avaliativas formativas no contexto escolar, ainda concebem a avaliação como quantificação de sua aprendizagem, a qual lhes favorecerá, ou não, a aprovação. Portanto, faz-se necessário que a escola e os docentes continuem desenvolvendo a avaliação em seu caráter formativo, oferecendo mais espaço para a autoavaliação dos educandos, para que estes possam evoluir cada vez mais em sua aprendizagem, desenvolvendo a criticidade e a autonomia.pt_BR
dc.publisher.departmentCentro de Formação de Professores - CFPpt_BR
dc.titleAvaliação da aprendizagem: concepções que professores e alunos têm sobre esse processo.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe evaluation is a process inherent to the educational practice and it is intertwined in the teaching-learning process, its accomplishment translates the sense which is attributed to it in the construction of learning. The present study aims to analyze, along with six students and one teacher of the 5th grade of the initial years of the public education in Cajazeiras, since such subjects conceive and carry out the evaluation in the teaching-learning process. It was researched, likewise, along with the subjects of the research which were the instruments used for the evaluation of learning and whether the self-evaluation is inserted in this process. This study is supported by the principles of the qualitative research, with proximities to the case study. Regarding the data collection, a field study was carried out in a state school in Cajazeiras, being a semi-structured interview the technique used. The interviewed teacher is graduated in Pedagogy, she has post-graduation in Psychopedagogy and has been teaching for twelve years. The students are aged between nine and eleven years old and come from popular classes both from the urban and rural areas. It is verified that the evaluative process does not happen in a conceptual emptiness; it is carried out by means of the social context in which the educational relationships are processed, guided by the conceptions of man, world and society of the teachers, by the curriculum and by the institutional culture of the school. From this presupposition, the investigation has made it possible to come to some conclusions. Among them, it has been verified that the researched teacher showed to have an amplified conception and practice of the meaning of teaching and learning evaluation, understanding it as a continuous and constitutive process. This may be evidence that other teachers have the same vision, especially those who are in process of initial and continuing training and that they have access to the new theorizations about the theme. Another aspect that draws attention is the fact that although the teachers experience some evaluative formative practices in the school context, yet they conceive the evaluation as quantification of their learning, which will favor them, or not, the approval. Therefore, it is mandatory that the school and the teachers keep developing the evaluation in its formative character, offering more space for the self-evaluation of the teachers, so that they can evolve more and more in their learning, developing the criticality and autonomy-
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Cursopt_BR
dc.subjectAvaliação educaciomalpt_BR
dc.subjectEducational assessmentpt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.creatorFERREIRA, Ruttany de Souza Alves-
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Campina Grandept_BR
dc.title.alternativeLearning assessment: conceptions that teachers and students have about this process.pt_BR
dc.identifier.citationFERREIRA, Ruttany de Souza Alves. Avaliação da aprendizagem:concepções que professores e alunos têm sobre esse processo. 2013. 47f. Monografia (Licenciatura em Pedagogia) Centro de Formação de Professores,Universidade federal de Campina Grande,Cajazeiras,Paraíba,Brasil,2013.pt_BR
dc.description.resumeThe evaluation is a process inherent to the educational practice and it is intertwined in the teaching-learning process, its accomplishment translates the sense which is attributed to it in the construction of learning. The present study aims to analyze, along with six students and one teacher of the 5th grade of the initial years of the public education in Cajazeiras, since such subjects conceive and carry out the evaluation in the teaching-learning process. It was researched, likewise, along with the subjects of the research which were the instruments used for the evaluation of learning and whether the self-evaluation is inserted in this process. This study is supported by the principles of the qualitative research, with proximities to the case study. Regarding the data collection, a field study was carried out in a state school in Cajazeiras, being a semi-structured interview the technique used. The interviewed teacher is graduated in Pedagogy, she has post-graduation in Psychopedagogy and has been teaching for twelve years. The students are aged between nine and eleven years old and come from popular classes both from the urban and rural areas. It is verified that the evaluative process does not happen in a conceptual emptiness; it is carried out by means of the social context in which the educational relationships are processed, guided by the conceptions of man, world and society of the teachers, by the curriculum and by the institutional culture of the school. From this presupposition, the investigation has made it possible to come to some conclusions. Among them, it has been verified that the researched teacher showed to have an amplified conception and practice of the meaning of teaching and learning evaluation, understanding it as a continuous and constitutive process. This may be evidence that other teachers have the same vision, especially those who are in process of initial and continuing training and that they have access to the new theorizations about the theme. Another aspect that draws attention is the fact that although the teachers experience some evaluative formative practices in the school context, yet they conceive the evaluation as quantification of their learning, which will favor them, or not, the approval. Therefore, it is mandatory that the school and the teachers keep developing the evaluation in its formative character, offering more space for the self-evaluation of the teachers, so that they can evolve more and more in their learning, developing the criticality and autonomy.pt_BR
Appears in Collections:Curso de Licenciatura em Pedagogia - CFP - Monografias

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