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Title: Condiciones del suelo y rendimiento del maíz en relación con diferentes sistemas de cultivo.
Other Titles: Condições do solo e rendimento do milho em relação a diferentes sistemas de lavoura.
???metadata.dc.creator???: RESSIA, Juan
Keywords: Cultura do milho;Condições de solo;Milho - rendimento;Sistemas de lavoura - cultura do milho;Cultivo de maíz;Condiciones del suelo;Maíz - rendimiento;Sistemas de cultivo - cultivo de maíz
Issue Date: 1997
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
Citation: RESSIA, Juan; BALBUENA, Roberto; MENDIVIL, Gustavo; CHIDICHIMO, Hugo. Condiciones de suelo y rendimiento de maíz en relación a diferentes sistemas de labranza. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA AGRÍCOLA. Sessão Pôster: Máquinas Agrícolas. Campina Grande - PB, 26., 1997. Pôster [...]. Campina Grande - PB: Universidade Federal da Paraíba, 1997. Disponível em:
Abstract: Field tests were carried out with the aim to evaluate soil condition induced by three tillage systems: moldboard plow, chisel plow and no till and the effects of tillage on three corn hybrid's yield. Field plots were established on a Typical Argiudol. Penetration resistance was determinate previous the tillage treatments and during the corn growth. Moldboard and chisel plows made depth to 1,5 MPa cone index significantly deeper than no till at the different sample's times. There were no interactions between hybrids and tillage treatments. Tillage systems affects corn grain yield
???metadata.dc.description.resumen???: Field tests were carried out with the aim to evaluate soil condition induced by three tillage systems: moldboard plow, chisel plow and no till and the effects of tillage on three corn hybrid's yield. Field plots were established on a Typical Argiudol. Penetration resistance was determinate previous the tillage treatments and during the corn growth. Moldboard and chisel plows made depth to 1,5 MPa cone index significantly deeper than no till at the different sample's times. There were no interactions between hybrids and tillage treatments. Tillage systems affects corn grain yield
Keywords: Cultura do milho
Condições de solo
Milho - rendimento
Sistemas de lavoura - cultura do milho
Cultivo de maíz
Condiciones del suelo
Maíz - rendimiento
Sistemas de cultivo - cultivo de maíz
???metadata.dc.subject.cnpq???: Engenharia Agrícola.
Appears in Collections:26º CONBEA 1997 - Seção Pôster - Máquinas Agrícolas

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