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dc.creator.IDGUIMARÃES, B. S.pt_BR
dc.creator.IDBruna da Silveira Guimarães.pt_BR
dc.contributor.advisor1FRANÇA, Kepler Borges.-
dc.contributor.advisor1IDFRANÇA, K. B.pt_BR
dc.contributor.advisor1IDFRANÇA, KEPLER BORGES.pt_BR
dc.contributor.advisor1IDFrança, Kepler Borges.pt_BR
dc.contributor.advisor2PEARSON, Howard William.-
dc.contributor.advisor2IDPEARSON, H. W.pt_BR
dc.contributor.advisor2IDPearson, H. W.pt_BR
dc.contributor.referee1OLIVEIRA, Líbia de Sousa Conrado.-
dc.contributor.referee1IDCONRADO, L. S.pt_BR
dc.contributor.referee1IDOLIVEIRA,L. S. C.pt_BR
dc.contributor.referee1IDCONRADO, Líbia de Sousa.pt_BR
dc.contributor.referee2FARIAS NETO, Severino Rodrigues de.-
dc.contributor.referee2IDFARIAS NETO, S. R.pt_BR
dc.contributor.referee2IDFarias Neto, S.R.pt_BR
dc.contributor.referee2IDNeto, S.R.F.pt_BR
dc.contributor.referee3FRANÇA, Márcia Izabel Cirne.-
dc.contributor.referee3IDFrança, Márcia Izabel Cirne.pt_BR
dc.contributor.referee3IDFrança, M.I.C.pt_BR
dc.contributor.referee3IDCirne, M.I.S.pt_BR
dc.contributor.referee4GOMES, Margarete do Socorro Mendonça.-
dc.contributor.referee4IDGOMES, M. S. M.pt_BR
dc.contributor.referee4IDGOMES, Margarete do Socorro Mendonça.pt_BR
dc.description.resumoA biomassa de microalgas tem mostrado grande potencial para a produção de biodiesel, sendo os lipídeos intracelulares a principal matéria-prima. A acumulação lipídica por parte das microalgas pode aumentar em função das características dos meios de cultivo, podendo ser águas doces, salobras, salinas ou residuárias. É sabido que, fatores como a salinidade do meio e a concentração de nutrientes provocam mudanças fisiológicas, as quais podem potencializar a produção de lipídeos a partir da biomassa de microalgas. O presente trabalho estudou a produção de biomassa, bem como os teores de lipídeos em espécies de microalgas isoladas da região semiárida do nordeste do Brasil, analisando o potencial para a produção de biodiesel nesta região. Como meio de cultivo, é proposto o uso de água de poços perfurados na região, com características salobras e, como fonte de nutrientes a utilização de efluentes de fossas sépticas, com o objetivo de reduzir os custos de produção. Foram estudadas as espécies de microalgas Chlorella sp., Scenedesmus acuminatus, Monoraphidium contortum e Pediastrum tetras e cianobactéria Nannochloropsis sp. em cultivos fechados, em meios salobros sintéticos e na mistura água de poço e efluente de fossa séptica. As espécies que apresentaram as melhores taxas de crescimento, combinadas ao maior teor lipídico nos cultivos utilizando meios salobros sintéticos, foram a microalga Scenedesmus acuminatus e a cianobactéria Nannochloropsis sp., atingindo concentrações lipídicas de 41,96% e 62,04% do peso seco da biomassa, respectivamente. Nos cultivos que utilizaram água de poço salobra e efluente de fossa séptica como fonte de nutrientes em diferentes proporções, as espécies que apresentaram maior acúmulo de lipídios foram Chlorella sp., com conteúdo lipídico de 81,20% e Nannochloropsis sp. com 73,68%. A partir dos resultados obtidos nos cultivos fechados foi realizado o escalonamento da produção de biomassa em escala piloto, com cultivos abertos, onde nestes a Chlorella sp. atingiu percentuais de acúmulo de lipídios entre 24% e 51%. Além do potencial de produção de biomassa foram estudados os percentuais de remoção de nutrientes nos cultivos que utilizaram efluentes de fossa séptica, onde se verificou diminuições significativas nos níveis de nitrogênio, com percentuais de remoção superiores a 90%, além da redução de fósforo e DBO5. Além da remoção de nutrientes, foram constatadas expressivas diminuições no número de bactérias Escherichia coli nos meios, principal indicador de contaminação fecal nos corpos de água. No que se refere ao processo de separação de biomassa, o trabalho estudou a viabilidade do uso de microfiltração por membranas cerâmicas, produzidas para esta pesquisa, com material de baixo custo, encontrado na região semiárida nordestina, visando também reduzir os custos de produção de biomassa. Os testes e cultivos realizados foram bastante satisfatórios ao mostrar a grande viabilidade de produção em larga escala de microalgas na mistura de águas subterrâneas salobras e efluentes de fossa séptica, visando a produção de biodiesel.pt_BR
dc.publisher.departmentCentro de Ciências e Tecnologia - CCTpt_BR
dc.subject.cnpqEngenharia Químicapt_BR
dc.titleProdução de biomassa de microalgas utilizando águas residuárias como fonte de nutrientes em meios salobros, para análise da viabilidade de produção de biodiesel.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractMicroalgae biomass has shown great potential for the production of biodiesel, with intracellular lipids being the main raw material. The lipid accumulation by the microalgae may increase depending on the characteristics of the culture media, which may be fresh, brackish, saline or wastewater. It is known that factors such as the salinity of the medium and the concentration of nutrients cause physiological changes, which can potentiate the production of lipids from microalgae biomass. The present work studied the production of biomass, as well as the levels of lipids in microalgae species isolated from the semiarid region of northeastern Brazil, analyzing the potential for the production of biodiesel in this region. As a means of cultivation, it is proposed to use water from wells drilled in the region, with brackish characteristics and, as a source of nutrients, the use of effluents from septic tanks, in order to reduce production costs. The microalgae species Chlorella sp., Scenedesmus acuminatus, Monoraphidium contortum and Pediastrum tetras and cyanobacteria Nannochloropsis sp. in closed crops, in brackish synthetic media and in the mixture of well water and effluent from a septic tank. The species that showed the best growth rates, combined with the highest lipid content in crops using synthetic brackish media, were the microalgae Scenedesmus acuminatus and the cyanobacterium Nannochloropsis sp., Reaching lipid concentrations of 41.96% and 62.04% of dry weight of biomass, respectively. In crops that used brackish well water and septic tank effluent as a source of nutrients in different proportions, the species that showed the highest accumulation of lipids were Chlorella sp., with a lipid content of 81.20% and Nannochloropsis sp. with 73.68%. From the results obtained in closed crops, the production of biomass was scaled on a pilot scale, with open crops, in which Chlorella sp. reached percentages of lipid accumulation between 24% and 51%. In addition to the biomass production potential, nutrient removal percentages were studied in crops that used septic tank effluents, where significant decreases in nitrogen levels were observed, with removal percentages greater than 90%, in addition to the reduction of phosphorus and BOD5. In addition to the removal of nutrients, significant decreases were found in the number of Escherichia coli bacteria in the media, the main indicator of faecal contamination in water bodies. With regard to the biomass separation process, the study studied the feasibility of using microfiltration by ceramic membranes, produced for this research, with low-cost material, found in the northeastern semi-arid region, also aiming to reduce the costs of biomass production. The tests and cultivations performed were quite satisfactory when showing the great feasibility of large-scale production of microalgae in the mixture of brackish groundwater and septic tank effluents, aiming at the production of biodiesel.pt_BR
dc.subjectÁguas salobraspt_BR
dc.subjectMembranas cerâmicaspt_BR
dc.subjectBrackish Waterspt_BR
dc.subjectCeramic membranespt_BR
dc.subjectAguas Salobrespt_BR
dc.subjectMembranas Cerámicaspt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.creatorGUIMARÃES, Bruna da Silveira.-
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Campina Grandept_BR
dc.title.alternativeProduction of microalgae biomass using wastewater as a source of nutrients in brackish environments, to analyze the viability of biodiesel production.pt_BR
dc.title.alternativeProducción de biomasa de microalgas utilizando aguas residuales como fuente de nutrientes en ambientes salobres, para analizar la viabilidad de la producción de biodiesel.pt_BR
dc.identifier.citationGUIMARÃES, Bruna da Silveira. Produção de biomassa de microalgas utilizando águas residuárias como fonte de nutrientes em meios salobros, para análise da viabilidade de produção biodiesel. 2020. 174 fl. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia Química), Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Química, Centro de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brasil, 2020. Disponível em:
dc.description.resumenMicroalgae biomass has shown great potential for the production of biodiesel, with intracellular lipids being the main raw material. The accumulation lipid levels by microalgae can increase depending on the characteristics of the media cultivation, which may be fresh, brackish, saline or wastewater. It is known that factors how the salinity of the environment and the concentration of nutrients cause changes physiological, which can enhance the production of lipids from the biomass of microalgae. The present work studied the production of biomass, as well as the levels of lipids in microalgae species isolated from the semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil, analyzing the potential for biodiesel production in this region. As a cultivation medium, It is proposed to use water from wells drilled in the region, with brackish characteristics and, as a source of nutrients the use of septic tank effluents, with the aim of reduce production costs. The microalgae species Chlorella sp. were studied, Scenedesmus acuminatus, Monoraphidium contortum and Pediastrum tetras and cyanobacteria Nannochloropsis sp. in closed cultures, in synthetic brackish environments and in a water mixture well and septic tank effluent. The species that presented the best rates of growth, combined with the higher lipid content in cultures using brackish media synthetic, were the microalgae Scenedesmus acuminatus and the cyanobacteria Nannochloropsis sp., reaching lipid concentrations of 41.96% and 62.04% of dry weight of biomass, respectively. In crops that used brackish well water and septic tank effluent as a source of nutrients in different proportions, the species that showed greater accumulation of lipids were Chlorella sp., with lipid content of 81.20% and Nannochloropsis sp.with 73.68%. Based on the results obtained in the In closed cultivations, biomass production was scaled on a pilot, with open cultivations, where Chlorella sp. reached accumulation percentages of lipids between 24% and 51%. In addition to the potential for biomass production, studied the percentages of nutrient removal in crops that used effluents septic tank, where there were significant decreases in nitrogen levels, with removal percentages greater than 90%, in addition to the reduction of phosphorus and BOD5. In addition nutrient removal, significant decreases in the number of Escherichia coli bacteria in the media, the main indicator of fecal contamination in bodies of water. With regard to the biomass separation process, the work studied the feasibility of using microfiltration using ceramic membranes, produced for this research, using low-cost material, found in the semi-arid northeastern region, also aiming to reduce biomass production costs. Tests and cultivation carried out were quite satisfactory in showing the great viability of production in large-scale microalgae in the mixture of brackish groundwater and septic tank effluents septic tank, aiming at the production of biodiesel.pt_BR
Appears in Collections:Doutorado em Engenharia Química.

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