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dc.titleReadAct-Alternative reality, serious games for reading-acting to engage population and schools on social challenges.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents a gamified empowerment approach to train future teachers. The approach aims to innovate teaching strategies and to provide a system which motivates players to read and to apply acquired knowledge towards actions to address social challenges within their community. The approach is supported by an alternate reality serious game called “ReadAct” which blends reading instruction with opportunities to act on social responsibility in the real world. Validation results are offered for experiments with the ReadAct approach in different but related contexts of drama reading, environmental education and introduction to computing. Results provide evidence that ReadAct motivates players (young readers) to engage themselves and to attract their schools’ and families’ communities to act on social challenges. The underlying challenges in the experiments are water conservation, urban violence and bullying at school. The paper contributes to the literature on computer-based education by indicating how a ReadAct game may turn the school community, where it is played out, into a community school with an integrated view of academics and social services.pt_BR
dc.typeArtigo de Eventopt_BR
dc.subjectJogo sério de realidade alternadapt_BR
dc.subjectLeitura performáticapt_BR
dc.subjectTeatro e educaçãopt_BR
dc.subjectSerious gamespt_BR
dc.subjectAlternative reality gamespt_BR
dc.subjectSocial challengespt_BR
dc.subjectTeatro e educaçãopt_BR
dc.subjectSerious alternate reality gamept_BR
dc.subjectPerformance readingpt_BR
dc.subjectTheater and educationpt_BR
dc.subjectSerious gamespt_BR
dc.subjectAlternative reality gamespt_BR
dc.subjectSocial challengespt_BR
dc.subjectTheater and education.pt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.creatorANDRADE, Valéria.-
dc.creatorBARROS, Marcelo Alves de.-
dc.creatorMOURA, J. Antão B.-
dc.creatorBORGMAN, Laurent.-
dc.creatorTERTON, Uwe.-
dc.creatorVIEIRA, Fátima.-
dc.creatorCOSTA, Gabriel Cintra Alves da.-
dc.creatorARAÚJO, Rafaela Lacerda.-
dc.creatorARRUDA, Aline Oliveira.-
dc.creatorNAVIER, Sophie.-
dc.creatorSILVA, Jobson.-
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Campina Grandept_BR
dc.title.alternativeReadAct-Realidade alternativa, jogos sérios de leitura-atuação para envolver a população e as escolas nos desafios sociais.pt_BR
dc.identifier.citationANDRADE, Valéria; BARROS, Marcelo Alves de. MOURA, J. Antão B; BORGMAN, Laurent; TERTON, Uwe; VIEIRA, Fátima; COSTA, Gabriel Cintra Alves da; ARAÚJO, Rafaela Lacerda; ARRUDA, Aline Oliveira; NAVIER, Sophie; SILVA, Jobson. ReadAct-Alternative reality, serious games for reading-acting to engage population and schools on social challenges. In: CSEDU - 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education. 2018. Anais. Funchal. 2018. p. 238-245. Disponível em:
Appears in Collections:Anais de Eventos Científicos - Artigos - CDSA

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