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Title: Cicatrizador personalizado sobre implante imediato: relato de caso.
Other Titles: Personalized healer over immediate implant: case report.
???metadata.dc.creator???: OLIVEIRA, Jayne Bomfim.
???metadata.dc.contributor.advisor1???: RODRIGUES, Rodrigo Araújo.
???metadata.dc.contributor.referee1???: RODRIGUES, Rachel de Queiroz Ferreira.
???metadata.dc.contributor.referee2???: RIBEIRO, Rodrigo Alves.
Keywords: Extração dentária;Próteses e implantes;Cicatrização;Teeth extractions;Prostheses and implants;Healing;Cicatrizador personalizado
Issue Date: 17-Apr-2023
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
???metadata.dc.description.resumo???: As reabilitações orais com implantes para substituir dentes perdidos já são bem estudadas e embasadas cientificamente. Os protocolos antigos aguardavam de 6 a 12 meses após a extração dentária para instalar um implante no mesmo local. No entanto, com o avanço da área de reabilitação na Odontologia, implantes instalados em apenas um tempo cirúrgico, ou seja, logo após a extração, tornaram-se procedimentos altamente previsíveis. Contudo, as alterações teciduais após as exodontias tornam a realização dos implantes imediatos um desafio, pois o sucesso destes depende, além da estabilidade primária, da preservação da arquitetura óssea e gengival, o que garante um contorno cervical natural e harmônico. Quando é possível a instalação de um implante imediato, geralmente coroas provisórias não são instaladas para não sobrecarregar mecanicamente o implante na fase de osseointegração. Esses implantes recebem parafusos padronizados que, mantidos expostos ou não, não impedem a descaracterização cervical dos dentes naturais. Já os cicatrizadores personalizados garantem uma cicatrização individualizada, estabilizando os tecidos peri-implantares, amenizando a remodelação fisiológica pós- exodontia e preservando a arquitetura alveolar. Dessa maneira, a futura reabilitação protética irá cumprir os requisitos funcionais e estéticos, alcançando um resultado que, na medida do possível, se assemelhe à anatomia do dente natural. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso clínico, em que foi realizada a confecção do cicatrizador personalizado sobre pilar protético com resina flow sobre implante imediato na região do dente 36. Conclusão: o uso do pilar protético e cicatrizador personalizado mostrou- se uma técnica previsível de sucesso por inúmeros motivos, entre eles, a otimização do tempo de tratamento e a maior satisfação do paciente.
Abstract: Oral rehabilitations with implants to replace missing teeth are already well studied and scientifically supported. Protocols looked forward to 6 to 12 months after dental coordination to place an implant in the same location. However, with the advancement of rehabilitation in dentistry, implants installed in just one breath, that is, right after ingestion, highly predictable procedures were achieved. However, tissue changes after tooth extractions make performing immediate implants a challenge, as their success depends, in addition to primary stability, on preserving the bone and gingival architecture, which ensures a natural and harmonious cervical contour. When it is possible to install an immediate implant, temporary crowns are generally not installed in order not to mechanically overload the implant during the osseointegration phase. These implants receive rays that, examined exposed or not, do not prevent the cervical mischaracterization of natural teeth. Personalized healing caps guarantee individualized healing, stabilizing the peri-implant tissues, mitigating post-extraction physiological remodeling and preserving the alveolar architecture. In this way, the future prosthetic rehabilitation will meet the functional and aesthetic requirements, achieving a result that, as far as possible, matches the anatomy of the natural tooth. The objective of this study is to report a clinical case, in which a personalized healing abutment was made on a prosthetic abutment with resin flow over an immediate implant in the region of tooth 36. Conclusion: the use of a prosthetic abutment and a personalized healing abutment proved to be a technique predictable success rate for several reasons, including optimization of treatment time and greater patient satisfaction.
Oral rehabilitations with implants to replace missing teeth are already well studied and scientifically supported. Protocols looked forward to 6 to 12 months after dental coordination to place an implant in the same location. However, with the advancement of rehabilitation in dentistry, implants installed in just one breath, that is, right after ingestion, highly predictable procedures were achieved. However, tissue changes after tooth extractions make performing immediate implants a challenge, as their success depends, in addition to primary stability, on preserving the bone and gingival architecture, which ensures a natural and harmonious cervical contour. When it is possible to install an immediate implant, temporary crowns are generally not installed in order not to mechanically overload the implant during the osseointegration phase. These implants receive rays that, examined exposed or not, do not prevent the cervical mischaracterization of natural teeth. Personalized healing caps guarantee individualized healing, stabilizing the peri-implant tissues, mitigating post-extraction physiological remodeling and preserving the alveolar architecture. In this way, the future prosthetic rehabilitation will meet the functional and aesthetic requirements, achieving a result that, as far as possible, matches the anatomy of the natural tooth. The objective of this study is to report a clinical case, in which a personalized healing abutment was made on a prosthetic abutment with resin flow over an immediate implant in the region of tooth 36. Conclusion: the use of a prosthetic abutment and a personalized healing abutment proved to be a technique predictable success rate for several reasons, including optimization of treatment time and greater patient satisfaction.
Keywords: Extração dentária
Próteses e implantes
Teeth extractions
Prostheses and implants
Cicatrizador personalizado
Appears in Collections:Curso de Bacharelado em Odontologia - CSTR - Monografias

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