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dc.creator.IDMONTEIRO, G. D.pt_BR
dc.contributor.advisor1BRASILEIRO, Francisco Vilar.-
dc.contributor.advisor1IDBRASILEIRO, F. V.pt_BR
dc.contributor.referee1ALMEIDA, Carlos Wilson Dantas.-
dc.contributor.referee2MASSONI, Tiago Lima.-
dc.publisher.departmentCentro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática - CEEIpt_BR
dc.subject.cnpqCiência da Computação.pt_BR
dc.titleImplementing fair sharing of resources with fogbow middleware.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractNowadays most companies use cloud, and a good fraction of them use private clouds. On many occasions, these organizations have extreme fluctuations in their demand, and during these peaks, they have to resort to public clouds to meet demand. The cost of such an action in itself can be expensive, which combined with a possible underutilization of resources can generate high costs. The objective of this work is to present a tool to implement and incentive justice on resource sharing in P2P systems, initially using the direct reciprocity Network of Favors model. The direct reciprocity justice model that will be used for small and medium-sized networks, for scenarios where repeated peer interaction is most likely and where these organizations could meet their demand at peak times and offer favors in underutilization, with the guarantee of protection against uncooperative members. Also, the network focuses on being a lightweight solution, designed to be a pluggable and adaptable element to the provider or middleware used, using firsthand knowledge gained by each member through direct interaction with other peers.pt_BR
dc.identifier.uriFD-Nof algorithms-
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Cursopt_BR
dc.subjectP2P Systemspt_BR
dc.subjectArquitetura de redes Peer-to-peerpt_BR
dc.subjectCloud federationpt_BR
dc.subjectFogbow middlewarept_BR
dc.subjectFD-Nof algorithmspt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.creatorMONTEIRO, Gustavo Diniz.-
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Campina Grandept_BR
dc.identifier.citationMONTEIRO, Gustavo Diniz. Implementing fair sharing of resources with fogbow middleware. 2019. 12f. (Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Artigo) – Curso de Bacharelado em Ciência da Computação, Centro de Engenharia Elétrica e Informática, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brasil, 2019.pt_BR
Appears in Collections:Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Artigo - Ciência da Computação

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